首先是因為Randall從小就生長在一個白人家庭,但他心裡一直很想找尋一種歸屬感,在他上中學的時候,他開始仰慕一位黑人老師,他也開始跟他的白人爸爸Jack起了很多衝突,Randall覺得他的爸爸並不了解他,Jack告訴他:I don't look at you and see color. I see my son. Randall回他:Then you don't see me, Dad. 最後Jack決定邀請這位老師Mr. Lawrence到家裡吃飯,Jack一直想試圖插入Randall和老師的聊天,包括一直不斷解說他幫Randall造的書櫃,直到Rebecca笑著阻止他:Hey, Jack, you can stop naming types of wood. 然後老師發現Randall照他的方式整理了書櫃: I see what you did there, Randall. Randall很開心地回應:I knew you'd notice.兩個人又很開心地聊起來,直到Jack又打斷問是什麼,Mr. Lawrence說:I organize the books in my class by year of publication. But I should have trademarked my process. Seems we have a copycat over here. 接著整場晚餐,Jack一直表現出他對老師的敵意,而Mr. Lawrence的妻子也有發現,而提醒了他的先生。
Jack單獨和Mr. Lawrence聊天時,他說Randall從小就很愛問問題:"Why is everybody staring at us, Dad?","Why don't we have any black neighbors?",但他開始發現他沒辦法再回答Randall問題了:我感覺我在讓他失望...那孩子是我的全世界,可是我...有些黔驢技窮了。Mr. Lawrence說:You know, I only applied to Hanes 'cause it's the best, and I wanted to teach at the best. But I knew I'd be the only one there. So...I guess when I met Randall...I understood him. And then when I saw that he was searching, I just, I felt like I could help him with all that. 然後他交給Jack他想送給Randall的詩集:
He said that you liked it a lot. I'm planning on reading it, too.
You are?
This is a book of poetry, Dad.
What, I like poetry.
Sure you do.
Okay, I'll take that back, then.
《I, Too.》
I, too, sing America.
I am the darker brother.
They send me to eat in the kitchen, when company comes.
But I laugh, and I eat well, and I grow strong.
Tomorrow, I'll be at the table.
When company comes, nobody'll dare say to me,'eat in the kitchen,' then.
Besides, they'll see how beautiful we are, and be ashamed.
I, too, am America.
最後是Mr. Lawrence的妻子發現Jack臉色不對後提醒了自己的丈夫,只是一個小細節,但我覺得是一種社交智慧和情商很高的表現。